API2PDF is a REST API that provides utilities for manipulating PDFs and other files. You landed here because you just want a simple and reliable way to add passwords to PDF files as a php developer.
Our API will take your .pdf file and return back to you a new .pdf file with the bookmarks added. Just make sure your PDF is saved as a .pdf file and accessible at a URL that our service can ingest. For example, see this: http://www.api2pdf.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/1a082b03-2bd6-4703-989d-0443a88e3b0f-4.pdf — Ideally a file storage provider like S3 or Azure Blob Storage. See the code sample below.
Step 1) Install the PHP client library from github: https://github.com/Api2Pdf/api2pdf.php
Step 2) Grab an API key from https://portal.api2pdf.com. Only takes 60 seconds.
Step 3) Use the sample code below and replace “YOUR-API-KEY” with the api key you acquired in step 2.
require_once 'your-own-directory/Api2Pdf.php';
$apiClient = new Api2Pdf('YOUR-API-KEY');
$linkToPdf = 'http://www.api2pdf.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/1a082b03-2bd6-4703-989d-0443a88e3b0f-4.pdf';
$userpassword = 'hello';
$result = $apiClient->pdfsharpAddPassword($linkToPdf, $userpassword );
echo $result->getFile();
And that’s it! Modify the code as you see fit. Hopefully this saves you time and makes adding passwords to PDF files easy and painless for those writing php code.
We have a whole php based client library for our API that does a lot more than just this. Check out the full library capabilities here: https://github.com/Api2Pdf/api2pdf.php
Tags: add password to pdf api, add password to pdf php, php password protect pdfComments are closed.