PdfSwitch Alternative: Compare PdfSwitch with Api2Pdf for HTML to PDF Conversion

PdfSwitch.io vs. Api2Pdf.com

What does PdfSwitch.io have to offer?

PdfSwitch offers the most basic HTML to PDF conversion via a simple to use REST API. However, its prices are pretty steep considering its lack of features and strict API limits.

How does Api2Pdf.com compare to PdfSwitch.io features and pricing?


Cost to Generate 1,000 PDFs in 1 month* $9 $1.49
Cost to Generate 50,000 PDFs in 1 month* To expensive to list. Contact them for pricing $25.55
No Rate Limits
File Size Limits Unknown GB+
HTML / URL to PDF Conversion
Word, Excel, Powerpoint to PDF Conversion
Images to PDF Conversion
Merge / Combine Two or More PDFs
Offers Headless Chrome
Offers LibreOffice

*Based on typical size of an invoice or receipt PDF of 0.1 megabytes

Final Analysis

While PdfSwitchdoes offer the most basic HTML to PDF conversion, it has less features, and is a magnitude more expensive than Api2Pdf.