Api2Pdf prides itself on providing developer-level support. Our team here is made up entirely of full-stack developers who care about building and maintaining a low cost, easy-to-use PDF rendering engine. While we want to support you in the best way possible, it is not feasible to debug each and every one of your custom applications. And while across the team, we have wide ranging skill sets and knowledge in various programming languages, we can’t know everything.
The best part about our documentation at https://www.api2pdf.com/documentation is that it is built on the Open API Specification and SwaggerHub. SwaggerHub allows you to test out all of your API calls directly from the documentation. We recommend that you do all of your testing in SwaggerHub, and once your generated PDFs look exactly the way you want, write your code in your actual programming language of choice. See the instructions below on how to use SwaggerHub to test out the Api2Pdf API to generate PDFs.
Make sure you have your API key at the ready from portal.api2pdf.com. On our documentation page, click the Authorize button.
Api2Pdf offers both GET requests and POST requests for our wkhtmltopdf and headless chrome endpoints. Our POST requests authorize by passing the API key in the Header, while our GET requests authorize via a query parameter. Copy and paste your API key into the corresponding authorization method depending on which type of API calls you plan to use. Click Authorize. If you plan on using both the GET and the POST requests, put the API key in both fields.
If you do this properly, you should see the lock icon change on the endpoints.
Open up your desired API call that you plan to use and click Try it out.
Edit the Payload to your specifications for the API call and then click Execute.
You should see the result like so:
If you are having an issue with an API call and require support from the Api2Pdf developer team, please contact support@api2pdf.com and include the following details:
From there we should be able to dig into the problem and help come up with a solution quickly. But you may find by virtue of testing out the API calls with SwaggerHub, you can solve it yourself!
-Api2Pdf Developers
Tags: headless chrome, html-to-pdf, oas, pdf, pdf-generation, swagger, wkhtmltopdfComments are closed.