LibreOffice functionality added to v2 public beta

February 8th, 2020 / by api2pdf /

Hello everyone!

We are proud to announce that LibreOffice has been added to our v2 public beta. Documentation is available here.

There is new functionality that is coming with this release. We have four endpoints that you can use:

  • /libreoffice/any-to-pdf – Same as v1, convert any office document or image file to PDF format. If LibreOffice can reasonably open the file, it will generate a PDF of it.
  • /libreoffice/pdf-to-html – This endpoint is experimental. LibreOffice will attempt to open the PDF document and generate HTML from it. However, a notable limitation is if your PDF has images, those images will not make it into the HTML. This endpoint could be useful for those who want to read the text out of a PDF file.
  • /libreoffice/html-to-docx – We anticipate that this will be a popular endpoint. Generating Microsoft Word files is annoying for developers. But now we make it as easy as generating a PDF file. Just make a POST call pointing a url to your .html file and our service will consume it and generate a .docx file.
  • /libreoffice/html-to-xlsx – LibreOffice will attempt to generate an xlsx file from HTML. It works as you might imagine, where an HTML table is converted into rows and columns. Check it out.
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