LibreOffice on AWS Lambda

Api2Pdf runs LibreOffice on AWS Lambda. PDF generation on a serverless architecture like AWS Lambda has several advantages: 1) You only pay for the processing power to generate the PDFs when you need it. 2) It scales infinitely. 3) You can handle massively large files and CPU usage or a just a tiny bit.

Instead of running your own VMs at full capacity on the off-chance someone is going to generate a huge PDF and crush your server, serverless solves this problem.

After building PDF generation API tech stack to service our own needs, we spent some time retooling it so that every developer can sign up and get started within minutes.

Api2Pdf offers an endpoint for LibreOffice which supports the conversion of any OpenOffice file to PDF, but most commonly.

  • Word to PDF
  • PowerPoint to PDF
  • Excel to PDF
  • Image to PDF

Next Steps

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