PDFCrowd Alternative: Compare PDFCrowd with Api2Pdf for HTML to PDF Conversion

pdfcrowd.com vs. Api2Pdf.com

What does pdfcrowd.com have to offer?

PDFCrowd has been around since 2009 and offers client libraries in all of the major languages. However, PDFCrowd’s pricing is very complicated and has strict API limits too.

How does Api2Pdf.com compare to pdfcrowd.com’s features and pricing?

Cost to Generate 1,000 PDFs in 1 month* $23 $1.49
Cost to Generate 50,000 PDFs in 1 month* $221 $25.55
No Rate / Concurrency Limits Strict Limits (Plan Dependent)
No File Size Limits Unclear GB+
HTML / URL to PDF Conversion
Word, Excel, Powerpoint to PDF Conversion
Images to PDF Conversion
Merge / Combine Two or More PDFs
HTML to Image
Offers WKHTMLTOPDF Unclear
Offers Headless Chrome
Offers LibreOffice

*Based on a PDF size of 0.5 megabytes

Final Analysis

PDFCrowd’s has most of the basics down, but it’s convoluted pricing structure and strict API limits make this a less attractive service than Api2Pdf.com

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