Api2Pdf Alternatives – List of APIs for generating PDFs in 2020


PDF Generation Sucks

Seriously, we would know. We tried everything under the sun before we decided to roll our own PDF engine.


Below is a list of the most popular HTML to PDF conversion APIs and how their prices stack up against Api2Pdf.com.

The barometer for price comparison is how much it costs the customer to generate 10,000 PDFs in a single month, assuming typical size of PDF is 0.1 megabytes and 2 seconds to generate the PDF. Also keep in mind that Api2Pdf does not have any rate limits or file size limits, while many of these services impose arbitrary limits.

Feel free to double check by going to each of their pricing pages. By the way, here is the pricing page for Api2Pdf.com.

Cost to Generate 10,000 PDFs in one month of using the service

Ordered from Best Pricing to Worst Pricing

Rank Service Cost for 10,000 PDFs in 1 month Compare w/ Api2Pdf.com
1 Api2Pdf $5.91 N/A
2 pdfswitch.io $39 Comparison
3 restpack.io $39.95 Comparison
4 pdflayer.com $39.99 Comparison
5 html2pdfrocket.com $40 Comparison
6 printfriendly.com $40 Comparison
7 paperplane.app $50 Comparison
8 htmlpdfapi.com $55 (49 Euro) Comparison
9 selectpdf.com $59 Comparison
10 pdfcrowd.com $61 Comparison
11 convertapi.com $80 Comparison
12 pdfgeneratorapi.com $99 Comparison
13 hypdf.com $120 Comparison
14 pdfblade.com $140 Comparison
15 docraptor.com $399 Comparison
16 pdfshift.io Contact sales Comparison
17 docamatic.com Contact sales Comparison
18 easypdfcloud.com / pdfonline.com Contact Sales / Unclear (Depends on Storage Use) Comparison
19 pdfmyurl.com Contact Sales Comparison

Why we built Api2Pdf.com

High Performance, Low Cost Processing

We were shocked at the pricing of other API engines. How could they charge so much while setting such strict limits? You might find that we have greater flexibility and are over 90% cheaper than other services.

Instant Processing / No Queues

We can handle 10s of 1000s of PDF requests per second and not miss a beat.

Super Easy API

We wanted to add PDF capabilities to our apps within minutes. No servers to setup, just a few lines of code and GO.

The Bottom Line

We wanted a dead simple way to setup access to WKHTMLTOPDF, Headless Chrome, and LIBREOFFICE, the same tools everyone uses, for as close to free as we could go. This is a tool by developers for developers.