PDFGeneratorAPI Alternative: Compare PDFGeneratorAPI with Api2Pdf for HTML to PDF Conversion

PDFGeneratorAPI.com vs. Api2Pdf.com

What does PDFGeneratorAPI.com have to offer?

PDFGeneratorAPI is unique in that it requires the HTML templates themselves be stored within their web application. The template editor looks impressive, but ultimately, storing and editing templates on their web app is not really an essential feature that application developers need quite often. In some cases, it might even be a hindrance. For the most basic HTML to PDF conversion, they are quite expensive.

How does Api2Pdf.com compare to PDFGeneratorAPI.com’s features and pricing?

Cost to Generate 1,000 PDFs in 1 month* $59 $1.49
Cost to Generate 50,000 PDFs in 1 month* $399 $25.55
No Rate Limits
No File Size Limits Unclear
HTML / URL to PDF Conversion
Word, Excel, Powerpoint to PDF Conversion
Images to PDF Conversion
Merge / Combine Two or More PDFs
Offers WKHTMLTOPDF Unclear
Offers Headless Chrome
Offers LibreOffice
Store Templates on Web App

*Based on typical size of an invoice or receipt PDF of 0.1 megabytes

Final Analysis

PDFGeneratorAPI does allow you to create and store templates on their web app. But in the end, that is their Achilles heel. If you allow your own users to design their templates, you may end up with hundreds or thousands of different templates on PDFGeneratorAPI. With no other features to offer, it is a very expensive service compared to Api2Pdf.com

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