Until now, API2PDF only stored your PDF for 24 hours and then the PDF will delete itself. This is great for most customers. However, by far, our most requested feature is the ability to delete the PDF right away. This is important for customers who have very high security needs around their PDFs.
We are now announcing the feature release of Delete On Command. After a PDF is generated, you can delete it at-will with a single API call. If you do not delete it yourself, we will still delete it for you after 24 hours.
Every API call returns a responseId attribute in the form of a guid in the successful JSON response object as shown below.
You can now delete the generated PDF by making a DELETE request to the /pdf/{responseId} endpoint, where {responseId} is the guid received from the generated PDF.
Please check out our documentation here for full details. We will be updating our client libraries in the coming weeks of this blog post.
Deletion of a PDF is priced as using 1 second of computation time, but with no bandwidth usage.
Tags: delete pdfs, feature announcementComments are closed.