Docker Container for PDF Generation & Image / Screenshot Generation

PDF Generation and Web Screenshot / Image Generation with Docker Containers should be a painless POST call via API. Below is a python example for converting HTML to PDF in python using our docker container.

The example above uses our SaaS service, but with self-hosted docker container you would just replace our endpoint with your own server’s endpoint.

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Our docker containers support the following functionality:

  • Headless Chrome w/ Puppeteer
    • HTML to PDF
    • URL to PDF
    • HTML to Image
    • URL to Image
  • Wkhtmltopdf
    • HTML to PDF
    • URL to PDF
  • LibreOffice
    • Office Document to PDF
    • PDF to HTML
    • HTML to Word
    • HTML to Excel
  • PdfSharp
    • Merge PDFs together
    • Add bookmarks to PDF
    • Add a password to PDF


Test out the docker containers in minutes by viewing the available swagger documentation here and acquire an API key here.

If you are interested in learning more about our docker container, email

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