Posts Tagged ‘azure functions optimization’

Post Mortem – Ensuring High Availability on Azure Functions

June 13th, 2019 / by api2pdf /

Intro On May 15th, 2019 at 5:01 PM UTC, API2PDF services stopped generating PDF files, returning high error rates. This is what is depicted in the image above. 3 minutes later, at 5:04 PM, services resumed. While only down for 3 minutes and 99% of our customers did not even notice, at least one customer […]

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Optimizing Azure Functions to avoid the 300 connection limit

December 2nd, 2018 / by api2pdf /

Intro Api2Pdf is a web service for generating PDFs from HTML, URLs, and Offices files. In order to scale to millions of requests, our backend runs on a serverless architecture. Our infrastructure is comprised of three main components: Web App, located at and built on .NET Core. The portal allows you to pay for […]

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